продавець: Jagoda
Польща, Skierniewice, 15c Pamietna


Росія Московська Ивантеевка


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JAREK 5 ягодоуборочный комбайн

JAREK 5 ягодоуборочный комбайн

JAREK 5 ягодоуборочный комбайн
1,00 EUR
за одиницю
мінімум: 1
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The JAREK 5 currant harvester is the newest version of a semi-row harvester for picking berries of black, red and yellow currants, gooseberries, autumn raspberries, berry berries, honeysuckle, rose hips. The semi-row berry harvester has a high quality of execution, simple construction and easy maintenance. The modular design of the harvesting machine makes it possible to configure it at the request of the client at any stage of operation, and also allows you to adapt a semi-row harvester depending on the conditions of the garden economy and the specifics of picking berries . An element of the standard equipment of a semi-row harvester is a hydraulic rotary axis, which ensures a smaller turning radius of the harvester, which guarantees free control. The JAREK 5 currant harvester has a unique design that allows you to set the shaking discs as low as possible. Thanks to this solution, fruits can be harvested even from young and low shrubs, without an additional transition for low shrubs. The design of the semi-row harvester allows you to transfer the collected fruits to boxes or crates, pallets located on the platform of the harvesting machine or on a trailed cart in several versions. Other options: Hydraulic valve control: manually in electronic form (electrovalve) Elements - shakers (fingers): metal plastic

The JAREK 5 currant harvester is the newest version of a semi-row harvester for picking berries of black, red and yellow currants, gooseberries, autumn raspberries, berry berries, honeysuckle, rose hips.

  • The semi-row berry harvester has a high quality of execution, simple construction and easy maintenance. The modular design of the harvesting machine makes it possible to configure it at the request of the client at any stage of operation, and also allows you to adapt a semi-row harvester depending on the conditions of the garden economy and the specifics of picking berries .

  • An element of the standard equipment of a semi-row harvester is a hydraulic rotary axis, which ensures a smaller turning radius of the harvester, which guarantees free control.

  • The JAREK 5 currant harvester has a unique design that allows you to set the shaking discs as low as possible. Thanks to this solution, fruits can be harvested even from young and low shrubs, without an additional transition for low shrubs.

  • The design of the semi-row harvester allows you to transfer the collected fruits to boxes or crates, pallets located on the platform of the harvesting machine or on a trailed cart in several versions.

Other options:

Hydraulic valve control:

  • manually

  • in electronic form (electrovalve)

Elements - shakers (fingers):

  • metal

  • plastic

The JAREK 5 currant harvester is the newest version of a semi-row harvester for picking berries of black, red and yellow currants, gooseberries, autumn raspberries, berry berries, honeysuckle, rose hips.

  • The semi-row berry harvester has a high quality of execution, simple construction and easy maintenance. The modular design of the harvesting machine makes it possible to configure it at the request of the client at any stage of operation, and also allows you to adapt a semi-row harvester depending on the conditions of the garden economy and the specifics of picking berries .

  • An element of the standard equipment of a semi-row harvester is a hydraulic rotary axis, which ensures a smaller turning radius of the harvester, which guarantees free control.

  • The JAREK 5 currant harvester has a unique design that allows you to set the shaking discs as low as possible. Thanks to this solution, fruits can be harvested even from young and low shrubs, without an additional transition for low shrubs.

  • The design of the semi-row harvester allows you to transfer the collected fruits to boxes or crates, pallets located on the platform of the harvesting machine or on a trailed cart in several versions.

Other options:

Hydraulic valve control:

  • manually

  • in electronic form (electrovalve)

Elements - shakers (fingers):

  • metal

  • plastic


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